Pioneer Accounts
Tell My Story, Too
Biographies by Jolene Allphin
This information from her book, "Tell My Story, Too" is shared with her permission.
Jolene S. Allphin |
Jolene Spendlove Allphin is the daughter of Clifton and LeOra Isom Spendlove of Hurricane, Utah. She and her husband, Michael, are the parents of 11 children. They have lived in Arizona, California and Utah. Michael currently serves as a Judge in Utah's 2nd District Court.
Jolene is the author of Tell My Story, Too. The book contains 300 biographical sketches and over 400 pictures of pioneers and rescuers of the Willie, Martin, Hodgett and Hunt companies of 1856. Since 1999, in preparation for a Stake Pioneer Trek, Jolene has been researching, writing, and publishing stories of these people who paid such a tremendous price to reach the Zion of their hopes and dreams. Jolene has developed a deep love for these people and considers them as friends. Jolene served as a historical advisor for the movies Ephraim's Rescue and 17 Miracles by T.C. Christensen. Jolene and T.C. Christensen co-authored the book More Than Miracles, published by Deseret Book in 2012. Jolene also co-authored an art, story, and history book with Andrew D. Olsen and artist Julie Rogers, published by Deseret Book in 2013. It is titled Follow Me To Zion: Stories from the Willie Handcart Pioneers. A companion volume covering stories from the Martin, Hodgett and Hunt companies is currently being written. |
Copyright Jolene S. Allphin, Tell My Story Publishing, LLC.
Following are each individual pioneer’s biography:
Willie Handcart Company
Arrived Salt Lake City November 9, 1856
Johan August Ahmanson
Niels Anderson
41, Died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK
Millen Atwood
John Bailey
51, Died just before reaching SLC; wife, ELIZABETH, died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK
Agnes Caldwell
9, Rescuer, William Kimball, made her run alongside wagon
Margaret Ann McFall Caldwell
40, Widow; ran a boarding house to save money for trip
Thomas Caldwell
14, Collarbone broken by cow
Francis Robert Cantwell
15, Narrative from father's own journal; tells of shoveling snow to get through mountain passes into Salt Lake Valley
John Chislett
24, Sub-captain, excerpts from his own narrative
Eliza Crook
19, With widowed mother
Elizabeth Cunningham
12, With parents, two sisters and brother, left for dead, revived
George Cunningham
15, Wrote narrative, had dream of rescuers
Margaret Dalglish
29, Pushed handcart over edge of mountain
Lott Dorney
23, Helped widowed mother and sister, Pony Express rider
Joseph B Elder
21, Assisted Captain Willie in finding rescue party
Eliza Chapman Gadd
21, Assisted Captain Willie in finding rescue party
James Gibb
67, Died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK
Chesterton John Gillman
76, Died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK
Thomas Girdlestone
62, Died, buried at Rock Creek (not in common grave)
Richard Godfrey
Mary Priscilla Griffiths
25, Single woman, walked all the way
William Groves
22, Died, buried at Rock Creek (not in common grave)
Charles Martin Herbert
3, With mother, aunt; when grown had large bee apiary
Emily Hill
20, With sister, Julia; wrote hymn "As Sisters In Zion" and "Let the Little Children Come"
Julia Hill
23, Story tells of sheriff searching Willie Company
Elizabeth Humphrys
12, Sister was kidnapped, married rescuer
James Hurren
29, Known for cheerfulness and encouragement to others; one of the strongest men; baby born, died in Iowa
Mary Hurren
7, Father's faith & miracle saved her feet; rattlesnakes did not harm her and friend, Agnes Caldwell
Jane H James
41, With husband (died at ROCK CREEK) and eight children
William James
46, Died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK
Michael Jensen
Maren Jorgensen
Maria Watson Kirby
James Kirkwood
11, Carried his 4-yr-old brother to safety at Rock Creek, then collapsed and died; buried common grave ROCK CREEK
James Laird
Mary Laird
29, Supported family while husband served a mission
Rebecca Cula Langman
21, Married Moses Cluff of Martin Company
Martine Larsen
5, She and her mother were only survivors in their family
John Linford
48, Died; with wife and three sons; Son, George, 17 known for strength; carried others across icy waters on his back
Ole Madsen
51, Died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK
Peter Madsen
62, Died, Echo Canyon; kept Danish journal for company
Joseph B McKay
57, Collapsed on Rocky Ridge, saved by Andrew Smith
Christina McNeil
24, Single, resisted persuasions of officer at Ft. Laramie
Archibald McPhail
40, Died from exposure after saving woman
Euphemia Mitchell
23, With Smith family; went through five pairs of shoes
Bodil Malene Mortensen
9, Died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK; traveling with Jens Nielsen family
Mortensen Family
Inspiring story of all family members
Charles Alma Moulton
Baby, Born on ship Thornton, was so frail upon arrival in SLC his body was transparent
James Heber Moulton
7, Kindly old lady saved his hand
Ella Neilson
22, Died, buried common grave; ROCK CREEK; hair frozen in ice, had to be cut upon death
Caroline Newman
7, Came with widowed mother and five siblings; Indians came into her home and frightened children
Elsie Rasmussen Nielson
26, Pulled husband in handcart; Husband promised God to spend his days in usefulness; gave all his money to Church so others could come
Niels Nielson
5, Died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK with his friend, Bodil Mortensen
Rhoda Rebecca Oakey
10, Died Nov 9; Sang Come, Come, Ye Saints for company
John Oborn
12, Wrote own narrative, shoveled snow with tin plate
Ane Olsen
46, Widow, died, buried in common grave, ROCK CREEK; gave money to needy on ship
Daniel Osborne
35, Died 8 days short of Valley, 7-yr-old son and wife also died, his three other children later adopted
William Page
17, Rode Pony Express, delivered Lincoln's inaugural address
Elizabeth Crook Panting
28, Delivered from murderous husband, angel gave her food
Jens O Peterson
36, Family of eight all made it safely. Jens saved another man's life by slapping him and then being chased to camp
Rebecca Cula Pilgrim
30, Included picture of coin her mother tossed at her
William M Read
63, Died October 1st near Ft. Laramie
Caroline Reeder
17, Died after gathering sagebrush for fire
Robert Reeder
19, Wrote own narrative; father and sister died
James Reid
40, Shot at Florence, Nebraska, over mistaken identity
Jemima Brown Rogers
53, Twice widowed; came with 8-yr-old adopted daughter; scalp frozen, lost all her hair
Ann Jewell Rowley
48, Widow, brought 9 children; among 600 of United Brethren group baptized by Wilford Woodruff; miracle of multiplied food
Levi Savage
36, Returning from mission in Siam; sub-captain to Willie; When Willie Co. reached Florence, he pleaded with them to wait until Spring, but was boted down. Stalwart leader
Harriet and Ellen Louisa Showell
31, 14, Harriet became a GG grandmother to Neal A. Maxwell
Andrew Smith
19, Carried many over Rocky Ridge until forced to stop, including his future father-in-law
Elizabeth Smith
13, Wrote story for Improvement Era
Ann Waddell Stewart
31, Revived her husband awaiting burial at Rock Creek; carried him in handcart rest of way. Became midwife
Jane Ann Stewart
32, Separated from company one night; scared away wolves
Susannah Stone
25, Left opposing family and friends in England; aroused from approaching death by voice of Spirit; fiance in company died; sat under handcart and sang; married rescuer
Emma Summers
28, Lost all her hair; married rescuer
Anna F Tait
31, Died at Sixth Crossing; wrote letter on ship
Elizabeth Xavier Tait
25, From India, husband and son emigrated earlier
Emily Wall
16, With brother, Joseph; mother sent 15 pairs of shoes each; pulled sick brother in handcart, saved his life; married rescuer; sustained by Apostolic blessing
Lars Gudman Wandelin
60, Died, buried common grave, ROCK CREEK; gave watch to Perpetual Emigration Fund
Lucy Ward
23, Rescuer, James Cole, saw her in vision; married about a week later; stayed at FT. Bridger for winter
Andrew A Watson
23, Pulled wheelbarrow from home to train station; left large box of precious books in Iowa City
Ephramine Josephine Wickland
Baby, Her name was miraculously preserved in a house fire for work to be done in 'Second Rescue'
James G Willie
42, Returning missionary from England, captain of Company on board the ship and crossing plains; courageous hero
William Woodward
23, Subcaptain; told story of missing rawhide shoes made into soup by woman in his company; returning missionary
Thomas Young
All Willie Handcart Company Pioneers
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